Have More Fun Jeanette January 31, 2017 Lifestyle Life is supposed to be a fun adventure. It’s not supposed to be all work and no play. When was the last time you truly had fun? When was the last time you laughed until you almost wet your pants? These are...
Use Better Time Management Jeanette January 24, 2017 Lifestyle One stressor that people experience is feeling as if they don’t have enough time. Time is one of those things that is equal for all people. Everyone has the same amount of time in each day. You cannot...
Get More Exercise Jeanette January 17, 2017 Lifestyle The word exercise often brings its own level of stress to people. Most people hate the word exercise and feel as if they have no time to do it anyway, much less the energy. But, intentional exercise is...
Eat Right to Reduce Stress Jeanette January 10, 2017 Lifestyle If you’ve heard it once, you’ve likely heard it 1000 times. Eating bad contributes to stress. It stresses your body so that you’re not as healthy as you could be, and lack of health causes...
Start 2017 with Less Stress Jeanette January 3, 2017 Lifestyle Along with a New Year comes the opportunity to let go of the past and start fresh and anew. It’s a perfect time to get serious about getting healthy. And one of the best ways to start on the road to...
To Weigh Daily – or not Jeanette August 2, 2015 Lifestyle Should you weigh yourself daily when you are moving toward wellness - or hold off on the scales? That's a question a lot of people seem to wrestle with. For some, the daily visit to the scale has a negative...
The Truth of the Booth Jeanette May 1, 2015 Lifestyle We love to eat out! For years we ate out nearly every day. But with the food sensitivities and our healthier eating, we've had to cut back. So now it's a special treat to go out. In the eating out days and...